Heatmaps can show you the exact spots that receive the most engagement on a given page. Here’s why they’re so efficient for your marketing goals and how they can be integrated with your WordPress site.
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How can we create email marketing campaigns that convert? Well, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to create a good user experience so that subscribers look forward to receiving your emails.
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Content marketing is tough, but with the right WP plugins, you can turn your website into a content marketing machine, one that actually performs for your business. Here are some stellar plugins that will ensure your efforts aren’t falling short.
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Success means many things to many people. However you choose to define success, it will require other people’s cooperation. It will involve landing the right job, winning the right kind of work and being able to charge enough money for your services. It would be great if that were all defined by the quality of your work, but it’s not. There is another factor at play here; your reputation. Think of reputation as a currency. A currency that you can spend to advance your career, win new clients or ensure projects run that little bit easier. It a currency that you can spend to achieve your version of success. People should respect ability, not reputation. But most clients don’t know what good looks like and so have to fall back on how other people talk about you.
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The performance and effectiveness of internal marketing campaigns should be assessed, as this is one of the most powerful instruments for generating more leads, more conversions and more revenue on your website. In many cases, web analysts use Google Analytics’ UTM campaign parameters to track internal advertising. The problem is that UTM parameters are intended to be used in external campaigns. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for tracking internal campaigns. In this article, Christian Ebernickel will explain why you would corrupt your Google Analytics data when using UTM parameters for internal tracking purposes, as well as presenting the solution and including a precise description of all the necessary steps.
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Lyndon Cerejo spoke with Amit Murumkar about his journey with Canvsly over the past three and a half years. Canvsly helps parents capture and store their children’s artwork for posterity. Amit independently funded the iOS app for two years until it became self-sustaining, and he experimented with different monetization strategies until settling on revenue-sharing from services. The conversation excerpts that follow highlight ten lessons for first-time app entrepreneurs, which I hope will be helpful for readers who are considering a similar journey.
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The time, effort and money invested in designing better user experiences, more beautiful branding, and innovative advertising creates stronger, successful companies. Designers can become founders by implementing the three key simple phases of ideation, validation and iteration. Yes, there are other factors to making this process successful. However, the path should start with designers. Regardless of space, time and budget, the future of design founderism can be better realized with disruptive educational practices and open source collaboration, which nurtures more innovative designers and, in turn, results in more innovative companies.
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In this article, Anya Pratskevich will share some ideas about app page design. She’ll also argue that dropping your assumptions and testing is the only way to find content that not only looks and reads great, but also helps your bottom line. The reality is that nobody knows for sure how to design for maximum conversion. What worked in one project will not necessarily work in another. What you can do is test everything: whether it is a different background color for each screenshot (worked in our case) or simply rearranging your current visuals on the page. Design optimization is a dicey game, so roll with it and have fun testing.
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There are many options for a designer to consider. Hopefully, after seeing Dr. Moore and Dr. Chen’s research applied to some modern examples, as well as some insights into what other businesses are doing, you will have enough juice to power your social proof. We can learn so much from the subject of reviews, especially now that experience design is emerging and becoming a force of its own. Through its ethos of bettering customer experiences, we can start to deliver experiences that make people smile. These happy users may then tell everyone else about those positive experiences. And when people talk about you or your products, listen carefully and manage those reviews to your advantage — from start to finish.
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It’s no secret that the crowdfunding industry is booming. It seems like every day you hear about an exciting new startup crushing their campaign goals and launching their company via Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Up to this point most software startups have failed to take advantage of this growing movement. In this article Matt Ward will cover the highs and lows of app-based crowdfunding, the purpose being to shed light on common software flaws seen in crowdfunding to ideally help your campaigns prosper. And whether you choose to use crowdfunding to jump-start your startup or not, many of the following concepts go well beyond initial launch-stage success.
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